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Bonded Diamonds

Bonded Diamonds

Before you start shopping for diamonds, consider dealing with a bonded jeweler. Bonded jewelers sell bonded diamonds, and there are very few bonded jewelers in the world. Control fact, out of all of the jeweler’s in the microcosm, only about 5 % of them are bonded. Buying a bonded diamond will cost more than buying a non - bonded diamond, but when you look at what you get with the bonded option, you will see that it is well worth the extra expense.

Cardinal, bonded diamonds have a buy back policy for the life of the diamond. No matter how long you have had the diamond, you can take it back to the bonded jeweler and sell it back to him or her, for a 100 % refund. If a jeweler does not offer a 100 % buy back guarantee, for the life of the diamond, then you should take a closer look at the diamond to see what is wrong with it.

Bonded diamonds also have a breakage policy. If the stone circumstance or money, the bonded jeweler will replace it with a new one – one time. No jeweler would ever offer such a policy on any stone that was not 100 % natural, so just the offer of such a policy should give you piece of mind concerning the quality of the diamond. Bonded diamonds are natural and untreated.

Bonded diamonds increase in value, with a inbred appreciation rate that is designed to keep up with accumulation. This means that a diamond that is worth a certain amount of money today will be worth more string the future, as the price of diamonds continues to rise. This generally does not apply to buy backs, however. It typically applies to trade - ins.

Alternately, by purchasing a bonded diamond, you are protected against the possibility of a market crash. If a market crash occurs, the value of diamonds will drop. However, the bonded jeweler guarantees to allowance you the difference between what the diamond is now worth and what you paid for it before the market crash.

It may betoken difficult to find a bonded jeweler in your area, but if you can, this is who you want to deal with, as opposed to dealing with an un - bonded jeweler. Specifically tell the jeweler that you are only moved in bonded diamonds. You can find a bonded jeweler in your station by using various online resources, or by calling the proper jewelry stores.




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